Avoid & Prevent Pests
Expert Pest Control utilizes expert strategies and techniques to manage pests that make their way into your space. You may think it’s as simple as setting traps, but in reality, pest control is much more complicated if you want to ensure the pests get out and stay out. From termite inspections to prevention services and more, we take a smart and effective approach to eradicating pests.

Bed Bugs?
Don’t wait to call us for treatment!
Inspection & Management Services
Termite Inspections
Integrated Pest Management
Integrated Pest Management, also known as IPM, is a process consisting of the balanced use of cultural, biological, and chemical procedures that are environmentally compatible, economically feasible, and socially acceptable to eliminate pest populations.
With IPM, many strategies are used together to avoid or solve a pest problem. For example, strategies would involve an understanding of:
- Pest lifestyles
- Knowing how to make structures unattractive to pests
- Knowledge of which pesticides are least toxic to pets and humans.
Understanding the individual property owner’s tolerance level is also important in knowing how aggressive pest treatment must be.
Why is IPM better than traditional pest extermination?
Older methods of “extermination” used increasingly powerful and poisonous chemicals to eradicate pests and resulted in environmental damage and the creation of chemically resistant pests. IPM is much gentler to the environment, and control methods are more narrowly targeted to specific pests.
Instead of artificial pesticides, many of the currently used chemicals are based on extracts from plants and are harmless to people and animals. This results in less use of pesticides, less potential danger to humans, pets, and plants, and less development of resistance to pesticides so that low doses remain effective.

Protective Chimney Cover Installation
Pests can sneak into your home in a variety of ways, including the chimney. Expert Pest Control can help stop animals from coming inside your home by installing a protective cover over your chimney. This is a convenient way to keep animals outside without impacting the use or safety of your fireplace.
Expert Pest Control
11575 Whitehill St
Detroit, MI 48224
Phone: 313-215-3344
Fax: 313-527-6039
Email: jwashin174@gmail.com